WOL REGISTRATION Untitled(Required) Untitled(Required) Untitled Untitled Phone(Required)Email(Required) Local WarehouseYagoona NSWYennora NSWGirraween NSWWillawong QLDWelland SATruganina VICDandenong VICWelshpool WAHow many users do you require?123456(Each user can only be logged on to one computer at a time)Preferred password(Required) Your name(Required) Additional Comments:Signature(Required)Terms and conditions.(Required)By completing the registration you are accepting liability for any goods purchased on the AAD Web Online Shop. This registration only needs to be completed once for initial activation per business outlet and should only be completed by the business owner, Manager or other relevant authorized personnel. The AAD Web Online Shop is restricted to AAD active account customers only. Once your registration is approved the initial applicant will be provided with Administration rights and be able to add and remove additional users on their account only. Please note although you are applying for access to an online store, initial registration is a manual process and will only be completed by AAD during working hours. You will be required to sign this form as proof of identity, acceptance of our terms and conditions and subsequent liability for purchases made through this site. We thank you for your understanding. I accept the terms and conditions. Δ